Sunday, April 1, 2007

I need a pianist.

I've registered for my cello exam (September) and I'm looking for a pianist!!! haha.

Pieces i'll be playing:
List A: Mary Cohen Sarabande with Variations
List B: Rieding Concerto in B minor, Op 35: 2nd movt, Andante
List C: Shostakovich Romance from "The Gadfly"

The pieces from B and C require a piano accompaniment and I can tell u that the Shostakovich song is SUPER nice! haha. tho duno whether i'll play it up to standard, i've like ermz.. 6months to brush up on it haha!

Spent around SGD60 to order the B and C from
The piece from List A is a cello solo so I dunnit a pianist.

So my pianist would only need to practise 2 pieces! haha. ermz, i'm willing to pay (around $40?) OR treat (any choice). haha but the pianist would need to be able to make it for the exam (duh) and 2 internal examinations from my music school. But of course, I'll be accomodating and choose dates that the pianist is able to make it.

So if u're a pianist, and dun mind doing a good deed, can tell me now :P haha... [mayb need to hold auditions if too many of u come :P HAHAHA joking la :P ]

Have been asking around but haven really confirm anybody yet cos the scores are not here yet (the order form says it'll prob arrive in the period of 27April to 4May). Most ppl say they need to look at the scores first. haha dun worry, dun think it'll be too difficult, cos it's ONLY for cello grade 5 piano accompaniment :)


And i like this song from Stephanie Sun's new album haha!

I noe i'm being random again haha!

【梦游】是一首有童贞气息的中慢版歌曲,特殊的古典氛围,小奏鸣曲为主梗的编曲架构,有一种高雅的气质,<未来总很神秘,有暴风雨,也有好天气,你曾经可以选择轻易放弃,感谢你没有忘记做你自己…DALA….DALA….感谢你没有忘记 做你自己>。

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