Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The indonesian maid

My maid recently faced some financial difficulties but wanted to go home to rest after this contract ends.

Kena cheated by her agency that she would have to forfeit 6 mths of her salary if she goes home. They previously told her it's only 4 mths, and she paid the deposit.

Now she's thinking of a transfer instead of going home. So sad. no rest for her :( I really think she needs a well-deserved rest.

(My mother would want to return home as a full-time housewife as she wants to retire from working.)

I really admire the spirit of maids, really. and her love for her family to keep her going. (even though I think her mother is quite mean to ask her not to go back so often in order to earn more money... and keeps cutting her sister's allowance. the mother may be keeping a sum of money for herself.)

If I were a maid.... I dunno what to say do!

The MCYS surveyor

I was surveyed by MCYS regarding gambling. The surveyor asked about demographics such as religion. As a brother-in-Christ, he noted that I was the only and first person in my family to be a Christian. And he says:

Acts 16:31

New International Version (©1984)

They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household."

I'm still waiting patiently for God's work to be done in my family. and that would be very good news :)