Sunday, January 27, 2008


tried to be more anti-social in order to get myself more time to do work. but work is still never ending. i'm quite tired...... have been working non-stop ever since the cameron trip.

i seriously want a break... just a nice sleep would be good. and perhaps a day which i can forget everything, and just watch tv at home haha.

things to do this weekend:
natural products lab report (done)
prepare COFM discussion for monday (done)
find journal for PP3 (done)
do some FYP analysis
study top 88 drugs (A to E) test on thur
Do Natural products tutorial (done)
Natural products proj
erm do DFD practical report (my grp like still not going to do :P )
catch up on lects which i was late due to lab? (no la, think no time liaoz...)

i'm getting quite excited for grad trip. should be going australia and cheryl says should be able to drive long long roads there. woohoo!!!! (but i'm quite scared at the same time. and i wun tell my parents i'm going to do so haha!)

went to mus'art concert and think it was a good time socialising again haha. since i dunnit to go for alot of band pracs, wun see those ppl for quite a long time. until end feb.

I THINK it was my last time doing FYP lab work.

"i'm not a superwoman... wo wo wo wo..."

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