Monday, April 30, 2007
Last day of Exams!
30th apr is (was) the last day of exams and went out with my pharm clique to Kim Gary @ Vivocity. heh. it was a lun-din (lunch + dinner) after the 1-3pm paper. hehe..
4 of us ordered the chicken wing cheese baked rice meal :) NICE! (at least the baked rice was nice yay!)
Cello Gig Bag
Left: a slit. muz sew it else it wun be water proof le
Right: defective zip :( can zip but nothing to pull lo. haiz.
but of course i did things during the 3 years to change the sound. 1) saw the bridge to make it lower, 2) change strings to a good combination (C, G: spirocore; D, A: Jager)... i think these changes are good! haha. and she recommended me to change strings 2 mths b4 my exam. I must remember.. around July must change sia. haha.
and she's going gremacy soon, i'll be going with her if i'm free. so anybody wants anything? strings/rosin?
I love 陈绮贞!
i wanted to upload her 80%完美的一天 but cannot leh. haha duno how to work tt imeem thingy.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Le Grand Tango
I hope that... one day... I can play this... started liking this piece a few years back... but i tink there are some nicer versions around. this one abit too ganchiong to me :P oops...
Shostakovich - Romance from "The Gadfly"
heh. one of my exam pieces. (link sent by Magic Sch Bus Uncle)
Friday, April 27, 2007
More updates
4 down, 1 more to go. today's paper was ok, quite 精神 after YESTERDAY's mocha. (yes, the caffeine effect was v lasting. haha, i cant sleep that night b4 the paper, only sleep for ermz.. 3-4 hrs for the 9am paper, juz tossed and turned in bed cos dun wan to wake up to study oso HAHA)
Last Paper: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Monday 30 Apr). dun feel like mugging too much for it leh, how?
okiez some pictures:
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
No Dinper Tonight?
surprised right? haha
call it the exam stress, or juz too sianz to walk in the rain cos no car/magic sch bus :P
and we realised that we've to save abit of money for Italy heh
so juz headed home at 8pm
b4 that i was already sleeping while listening to Casanova (25min long.. Zzz) haha
den we were instructed to blog on the instant noodles that we would have at home hehe...
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Interview at A*star BTI
saw Liting there for interview there too! her time slot was 11.15am. yesh she's early haha. den i realise i was supposed to bring my NUS results slips too. only brought my A and O levels certs. got abit panicky. haha. okiez but that assistant was friendly and tot that it would be fine.
waited. cant study (but liting was studying like nothing's happening haha). den Lee Cheng came. Her interview was at 11.30am. It was 11.20 then. and we were told that the executive director (some big shot called Prof Miranda Yap) was still at a meeting.
den at 11.25am, Prof Yap requested that we ALL go in together. ya. more like a discussion rather than an interview. then she asked us some normal interview qns (e.g. why did u apply for this internship?), and went on to tell us that she doesn't noe how many of us she was allowed to accept but she WANTS ALL OF US! haha. she looks quite nice and friendly and the funniest part was she plays with her lips! hehe. like bleh bleh bleh bleh. :P
so we went back to email our HOD to find out how many of us can acty go for this thing. turned out that we can all go for the internship, but only 1 of us can stay on for FYP cos there may not be enuf supervisors in the dept to look after us. so sad :( i wan to stay on! and like u noe, really till i die, for research. HAHA
then this afternoon, i checked my email and found another offer by Eli Lilly. mayb i shd apply too! try my luck again.
Lily-NUS Centre for Clinical Pharmacology has one (1) opening for a 12-weeks attachment from 14 May to 5 Aug for our 3rd Yr students. For the 1st 6 weeks, the student will be attached to Phase 1 CRU Pharmacy Operations (special formulation, documentation) and the next 6 weeks, scientific/PK-PD learning experience.
This centre is located on campus at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and the working hours are from 8:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday. This is the first time the Centre is opening up the opportunity to Pharmacy students. The attachment, of course will not count towards the pre-registration training.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Updates on mugging!
and then it's MingWei's (the magic school bus uncle) bday! (ermz celebration in advance)
PK made this card. quite nice!
"can we have such service at 9pm everyday?" - quoted from daniel kang :P
Thursday, April 19, 2007
It feels bad
feels even worse when she has been "cheated" cos she's doing something so hard for us, putting in alot of efforts, trying to sweat it out for us.
I want to dig a hole and hide myself. she did not reply, probably too shocked, too disappointed, too panicky.
wish that something can be done. but even if money is paid back, all her sweat has amounted to nothing, just evaporated into the hydrological cycle.
anw, i'm so damn full. the nasi lemak... dinper is making me fat.... and muggin doesn't rock.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Come back!!! I miss you all & jiemeiz outings...
Sijia: pls come back and push my head whenever i say sth lame
Xinhui: pls come back and let me push ur head when u're blur :P (heh joking la, i wan to see u scratching ur head)
Wei Ting: just saw u a few days ago. pls organise some badminton sessions :P
Vernon: pls come back and set up let us go ur house play mahjong (and it's always me and xinhui pairing up cos we CMI)
Tboon: MIA... pls be in action.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Life is all about mugging... until 30 April
21 April Intro to Social Work (SW 1101E) 9.00 am S/Ued (yay!)
24 April Pharmacokinetics and Disposition (PR 3106) 1.00 pm
25 April Pharmacotherapy (PR 3105) 9.00 am
27 April Pharmaceutical Analysis (PR 3103) 9.00 am
30 April Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (PR 3104) 1.00 pm
As u can see, all the modules are quite crammed together... haiz. I really need to pull up my CAP. Thinking that GSK may have rejected my application for FYP due to CAP makes me so -_- buden ya, if they've nothing to base their choice on, the most practical way will be to choose those with the highest CAP. so i want to 发奋图强... I dun want to be rejected by A*star BTI leh, haha, though by the time they select people it'll be still based on my previous CAP. sighh... Why is CAP so important? (cannot wear hat meh, must have cap...)
hmmmm I hope that I can survive my S/Ued SW with about 3 days of revision. going to spend more time on my pharm things.
and after this exams u'll see me either in CFA or SP trying to master the string bass wahahhaa! so exciting right?!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Nodame Cantabile!
the story is cute and touching at times, more of cute. and super comical. and u'll quite often hear parts from "The Planets - Jupiter" and "Rhapsody in Blue" in the background. and of course, piano pieces from Nodame and Chiaki senpai piano hehee..
really a nice show, but ppl who're mugging, u need to resist the temptation and only watch it after the exams hehe.. MUG HARD!
hmmm Erina said actually after the whole thing, cant really feel anything. I partly agree but tink cos i've actually watched the parts so separately while mugging until abit "lost track" of the feeling liaoz. but the ppl are really funny at times hehe. hmm shd have chiong all the way to finish watching la :P and also, cos the last scene was juz the audience, so abit "no feel". the ending should be more memorable instead of the audience clapping ba. HAA. ohh btw the subtitle at crunchyroll is not bad, cos they'll explain some connoctations and blah. the ending subtitles are also quite funny :)
Chiaki, Nodame, Mine, Kiyora rox la! HAHA
okiez, this is S-Oke first performance, conducted by Chiaki..
Rhapsody in Blue
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
After a mugging day
From Medscape Pharmacists
Examining Gender Salary Disparities: An Analysis of the 2003 Multistate Salary Survey
Posted 04/03/2007
Lawrence M. Brown, PhD; Jon C. Schommer, PhD; Dave Mott, PhD; Caroline A. Gaither, PhD; William R. Doucette, PhD; Dave P. Zgarrick, PhD; Marcus Droege, PhD
Pharmacist salary and wage surveys have been conducted at the state and national level for more than 20 years; however, it is not known to what extent, if any, wage disparities due to gender still exist.
Objectives: The overall objective of this study was to determine if wage disparities exist among male and female pharmacists at the multistate and individual state level for each of 6 states studied. A secondary objective was to explore the effect of various demographic variables on the hourly wages of pharmacists.
Methods: Data were collected from 1,688 pharmacists in 6 states during 2003 using a cross-sectional descriptive survey design. A multiple regression analysis on hourly wage testing the effects of state of practice, practice setting, position, terminal degree, and years in practice was conducted. Subsequent multiple regression analyses were conducted individually for each of the 6 states to test the effects of the above variables on hourly wage for both male and female pharmacists, followed by state-level analyses for male and female pharmacists, respectively.
Results: For the pooled data, all variables were found to be significant predictors of hourly wage, except for earning a PharmD degree without a residency or graduate degree. Gender was not a significant predictor of wage disparities in the state-level analyses. Position was the only significant predictor of wage disparities in all states (except Tennessee) such that pharmacists in management positions make significantly higher salaries than those in staff positions.
Conclusions: The results of these analyses suggest that wage disparities due to gender do not exist at the state level for the 6 states surveyed, when controlling for practice setting, position, terminal degree, and years in practice. The larger number of men in management positions may explain lower wages for female pharmacists. --> not true in Singapore HAHA
This article is republished from Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy with permission from Elsevier, Inc.
anyway mugged at Science lib with the band ppl... feels old cos they're toking alot of nonsense which I dun really understand, and so nv really "chap" into their conversation.. and as a result, yokes tot I was v quiet today... I feel weird myself too haha... (but i'm not the oldest dere lo!) mayb i just dun want to act like a fool by spouting nonsense when I dunno anything la..
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Cousin Bday Celebration
Went out with my Ah Jins on Sunday (consist of me, my sis, my younger cousin Xueting & the birthday girl Hui Hua who is also the eldest among us) to Vivocity to eat dinner and celebrate the belated birthday.
Request by birthday girl: to wear dresses HAHA funny request la....
(i noe i got that 暗笑 look but difficult to control k!!!)
Btw, the present was a CASIO watch.. nice!! (but no pic :P )
Friday, April 6, 2007
Videos Videos!!
Jo Hisaishi & 9 cellos
Spirited Away Theme Song!!!
A Cello Rondo
unable to embed this but it's really mad haha
Something cute to end this post :P
Monday, April 2, 2007
- dunno put wat as title -
please trust that i'll get back to you on watever u ask me to.
please trust that i'm trying to make the airfare thing as cost-effective/good/can go as possible.
please trust that the airline is the best that we can try to get.
please trust that i'm trying to get things to work out as best as they could be.
please do not come and tell me funny things on MSN if u think that i'm studying for my MANY MANY tests.. like. "short transit time, no time to shop" (wat would u say if we got 19 hours of transit?), "aeroplane got turkey to eat/games to play"... go and research on ur own if u're that curious.
please understand. I do not want to entertain random things that will make me go and log onto my mail to check things for you when i'm studying for my test.
we're already going to make a trip down to the travel agency to finalise some stuff. so please tell us watever things u wan to confirm... before Tues 2359 (haha. unless u treat me to a meal to settle things for u...)
okiez. i'm just complaining. ARGH.... i just want to vent my frustrations... please dun think too much k haha i'm alright :P
at least there's a good news.
i'm going for attachment from 14 May to 24 June at National Cancer Centre of Singapore. 1st time after so many years that I got something of 1st choice. Dun wan to do a normal hospital cos i feel that i've been exposed to alot of prescription medications during last yr attachment at Jurong Polyclinic. So I guess exposure to another field is good. Not alot of ppl chose NCC because we're not taught about cancer medicines yet but watever... i was not taught of diabetes and hypertension medicines when i did my polyclinic attachment. haha.. YAY
Sunday, April 1, 2007
I need a pianist.
Pieces i'll be playing:
List A: Mary Cohen Sarabande with Variations
List B: Rieding Concerto in B minor, Op 35: 2nd movt, Andante
List C: Shostakovich Romance from "The Gadfly"
The pieces from B and C require a piano accompaniment and I can tell u that the Shostakovich song is SUPER nice! haha. tho duno whether i'll play it up to standard, i've like ermz.. 6months to brush up on it haha!
Spent around SGD60 to order the B and C from
The piece from List A is a cello solo so I dunnit a pianist.
So my pianist would only need to practise 2 pieces! haha. ermz, i'm willing to pay (around $40?) OR treat (any choice). haha but the pianist would need to be able to make it for the exam (duh) and 2 internal examinations from my music school. But of course, I'll be accomodating and choose dates that the pianist is able to make it.
So if u're a pianist, and dun mind doing a good deed, can tell me now :P haha... [mayb need to hold auditions if too many of u come :P HAHAHA joking la :P ]
Have been asking around but haven really confirm anybody yet cos the scores are not here yet (the order form says it'll prob arrive in the period of 27April to 4May). Most ppl say they need to look at the scores first. haha dun worry, dun think it'll be too difficult, cos it's ONLY for cello grade 5 piano accompaniment :)
And i like this song from Stephanie Sun's new album haha!
I noe i'm being random again haha!
【梦游】是一首有童贞气息的中慢版歌曲,特殊的古典氛围,小奏鸣曲为主梗的编曲架构,有一种高雅的气质,<未来总很神秘,有暴风雨,也有好天气,你曾经可以选择轻易放弃,感谢你没有忘记做你自己…DALA….DALA….感谢你没有忘记 做你自己>。