Friday, December 28, 2007
i think i cant do research in the future. i hate the feeling of being helpless & lonely. :((( if i were to do this long term, i can predict killing myself... haiz.
where's my sup..
Thursday, December 27, 2007
FYP + Planet Earth
my lab colleague asked me to lunch with her. told her i'll be done at 12nn so continue doing my things. BUT i duno i too gan cheong to not wait her wait so long or wat, made the wrong antibodies, not once but TWICE!!! argh. and since antibodies dilutions are not the same. i duno whether still can reuse anot. so kept them in the -20degC freezer.. -_- and we ended up lunching at 12.20 pm...
ask me abt my expt? i dun wan to explain. but. redid and confirmed the supposedly overexpression turned out to be underexpression.. haiz. redo everything from the 3rd stage (if u recall me saying my proj has a total of 4 stages). quite pressed for time. esp when my sup wanted me to do at least a duplicate.
i'm so chui for Planet Earth. quoting my tcher: "if u can play this by march, it'll be a miracle". she's not trying to be discouraging, but it's the truth!!!!
i hate sightreading with astigmatism!
i hate tenor and treble clefs.
i hate tremolos.
i hate playing running notes on the cello, gotta swing the bow up and down.
i better practise everyday... (ahem. i'll try)
and i'm serious:
we need more cellists. (5 more -_- )
Saturday, December 22, 2007
bad day
1st expt: fumbled and put wrong things. den tried to salvage by pipetting out and prays that nothing happens.
2nd expt: confirmed with a confirm-will-have antibody. no protein. thus, concludes my past 1 week has been wasted on Western blotting and all the repeated washing and exposing. bleahh.
analysed results. duno why my transfection is supposed to cause overexpression but instead it shows underexpression. so what to do now? my sup is away. i'm so helpless. and she doesn't reply her emails in time.
was in lab alone. the dark room is quite scary. duno what i'll see when i switch on the lights.
i wan to go to some chilling-out sessions. and i feel like eating TCC's chicken pie.
finally 任命 to the failed experiments and went home. the 1st bus i saw passing me, i noe is 198, cos it has been a bad day. :(((((((((((((
okiez i wanted to do some work at home for my FYP. wanted to write some parts of my paper so that i can make up for the lost time (due to failed expts). den din realised my waterbottle cover was not screwed on and i liften the bottle with the cover. den..... water flooded the table and myself... heng it's not hot water. and my laptop din really kena alot...
ehhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm so sad can. oh ya, and i was coughing out my lungs the whole day.
anw i wanted to recall the LASIK experience (aka enhancement surgery):
1. i went into a changing room where a lady helped me put on the operation robe.
2. she removed my glasses and cleaned the surroundings of my eyes with iodine.
3. then she put on some eyedrops. (anasthetics i think)
4. then i was ushered onto the "bed" under the "lasik machine"
5. my doctor was there, telling me that he has programmed everything into the machine
6. next he covered my left eye with a shield and did my right eye first.
7. he told me to focus on the green light which will turn red.
8. eyedrops
9. some clamp to clamp my eyelids
10. more eyesdrops and swabbing
11. a circular thing came and he said it's the most uncomfortable part.
12. then he said "suction ready?"
13. a reply "suction on." i felt pressure on my eyes
14. and it was a short pain.
15. i saw the flab opening. then i cant see anything
16. i duno wat happen next but i can see again. then, the laser came and i was told that it's the most important part of the surgery and I MUST focus on the red light. the red light became like an angry ball of fire and there was a slight burning smell.
17. i heard "50%.... 60%... 70%... 80%... 90%... 100%..."
18. flab was closed back
19. more eye drops.
20. next eye.
wah i tink technology is very advanced. to be able to program for my case and then do the laser within seconds. i think my doctor is not bad :)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Lab day on Haji
i'm quite crazy to squeeze all these in. esp when i'm sick and still recovering from Lasik.
i'm still having double vision!!! haha but tink it'll go away in around 1 week.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Bow hold
anyway, i've to change bow hold. need to change in order to maximise the volume i can produce on my cello. it's sth like change embrochure for brass playing. so it'll take around 2-3 months. i think.
so practices at home will be quite sian, playing repeated notes and long notes. but still quite necessary ba.
when elizabeth looked at Planet Earth, she said "you really wan to play ah?"
Saturday, December 15, 2007
so angry i cried. and then felt stupid i actually cried cos of her being so mean. i shd have remained cool and bo hiu her.. den she'll realise that she's being crazy...
sorry i juz wan to blog. shutting myself in the room.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Dec Timetable
Monday, December 10, 2007
PreLasik Assessment
the assessment was quite tiring for the eyes. for one of the test i've to push up the lids of my eyes and keep staring, and i'm not allowed to blink. then FLASHES of lights come up and blind me. 1st instinct is to blink ma. den cos of my instinct, I had to repeat the test alot of times cos she cant get a good image. keep tearing. sobzzz. and i was told that i have lazy eye and that my left eye was the dominant eye. actually i sort of noe this liaoz, and i've always have problem looking through the microscope due to the different alignment of the eyes. so today i learnt that this is called lazy eye aka Amblyopia.
the test was about 1 hour, including a video which educates patients about the LASIK procedure.
my doctor is Dr Lennard Theann who explains the different types of refractive surgery. and telling me that since i've thick enough cornea, i'm able to do LASIK, but may have risk of undercorrection.
read through the materials the person gave me le, quite nervous about it. but think that day i'll be even more anxious. garrrrrrrrrrrr....
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Projek Cameron
it was a winding road. luckily cheryl brought prochlorperazine for anti-emetics and it gave me quite a good rest too! haha. (though i was awakened quite soon after dozing off)
then there's a tour agent who told us about some packages. in the end, we signed up for the trekking package, the country-side tour and with the Leisure tour which was already in when we signed up at the SG side.
a brief summary of wat we did:
talking and looking at the mist coming out of the mouth
trekked up 2 mountains (i think i dun like trekking. haha. the thighs damn tired)
ate nice food like zhi cha and steam boat at half of SG price
buy strawberries/cherry tomato/gifts
visit tea plantations, rose centre, honey bee farm, strawberry farm
trying to catch sunrise
自拍 (that is for LC and cheryl. i'm really qt bad at it :P )
take pictures of nice sceneries
quite a "nature tour". and we all recall Prof Ho's saying "if you dun have Nature, u've no future". HAHAHA. ermz that quote was actually refering to Nature, the journal with high impact factor. but, funny to imitate his Hongkee's accent. :P
listened to iPod during the long coach rides and it was only then when i really listened to the lyrics of some songs. i normally dun listen to the lyrics. find most of them interesting. maybe it's how ppl can identify with the lyrics, that make them like songs. (for me it's usually the opposite, i mean i listen and like the melody first) okiez, that's damn random
journey back was not as smooth. some delays along the way.
anyway, thanks pharmers!
anw, my parents say the strawberries i bought are tasteless. so i made "strawberry milkshake"! haha. this is strawberry + yakult + milk + ice.
Pictures uploaded!
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Mugging.... IS OVER~! for now. hehe
The cookie monster at NYDC (we actually wanted to go VIVO one but we lazy, ended up at Holland V hehe )
And today 4 Dec marks the end of my Sem 7 exams. tho LC and cheryl ended theirs on Fri.
went to eat with pharm clique at Waraku at Marina. The 正宗 one.
My normal Ice Lemon Tea in a frozen glass with ice locked in their position. think cos they store their EMPTY glasses in the freezer.
LC's cheese potato with mentai ( i tink it's salmon)
and thanks to the cleaners in Sci lib. esp the old friendly looking grandma figure cleaner. quite nice having her around :P though i dun tok to her, but somehow she just reminds me of a nice granny.
thanks sci canteen for serving dinners and Megabites for opening on Saturdays. thanks to the 慈祥 uncle at noodle stall.
thanks co-op for selling Uniball Jetstream. the best exam pen. though now is abit chui already.
thanks to the library staff.
thanks to my lecturers who set the papers. though i'm quite frustrated at some questions which practically test us on MEMORY and how well we memorise the notes. this shdn't be the way to learn.. grrr. haha but it's over. bleahhh
Edited: and also thanks Rongchen for the Spinellis!!!
cello lesson got cancelled cos the teacher is on MC. and i think it's a "he". I abit sianz. i'm too used to Ivy liaoz. haha. i hope this wun be a sign for another cannot-find-cello-tcher episode.
a funny thing from sharon's blog
and then after that, i'll leave for Cameron.
so it means
i'll be away from 5 Dec night to 8 Dec night.
Dun Miss Me.
i'll still be contactable cos applied for roaming.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Dear Hui Shan,
Thank you for your confirmation.
Please bring along the books and materials that you are working on so
that our teacher could go through them.
We look forward to meeting you next Wed.
Thank you.
C_ _ _ _ _ Music school
Hope this school will be somewhere for me to stay on. :)
anw mugging is quite... jialatz.. especially for pharmacotherapy. i din noe human brains can absorb so much. not say i can but we're all expected to.. -_-
been repeating "Yoyoma and Morricone" album the whole day! i wan to play cello, i dun wan to study. haiz....
decided to edit and add in some clips abt the music of Ennio Morricone. DAMN NICE CAN.
There are some familiar scenes from ROME in the 2nd clip of the Yoyoma + Morricone one.
Music that melts ppl's hearts.
Cinema Paradiso
Yoyoma and Ennio Morricone
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Ah Nguen's Birthday
haha ordered the apple crumbles from Spinelli thru RC who reserved them for us (altho he just finished work when we tried to "order")
After that, he went home to have dinner with his family. Should be a FEAST. heheh
this is such a pleasurable break from mugging. sigh. i wan to celebrate more bdays for others :P HAHA
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Update from the not very chao mugger
i was telling LC about the schedule for my lab during the exams. and she commented, "you seem to be enjoying urself wad." and that really sets me thinking whether I've "regain" my interest for research after some of the unhappy personnel relations episodes in the lab. mayb it's juz the lab. i duno! but i wan to noe. haha afterall, post-grad application ends in Feb. i need to find out soon. those pysch ppl like cloud and rixin, pls hypnotise me to help me find out my "inner desires" HAHA. i asked giam also whether i should post-grad or pre-reg (for pharmacist license). He said "everybody can be okay with research. but do you really like it to do it for 4-5 years?" hmmmm... another 金玉良言 for me to ponder on... afterall, research dropout rate is quite high... must think think think... so.... post-grad or pre-reg?
not counting ducks this sem. cos there's not much of a liberation after 4 Dec, except that i'm gg on a short trip to Cameron Highlands with my pharm clique. besides that, the very next day after my exams, right before i board the coach to Msia, i'm going to lab... Bahhh... (I must be enthu about lab.) YAY!
i actually miss mugging with the MHMs. why you all go SEP/graduate and leave me alone?! hahaha
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
小情歌 - 苏打绿
suddenly, reminds me of 暗巷。 haha
confirmed with RC. the vocalist is a guy.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Farewell dinner with cello tcher Ivy at 三国演义
Isn't this obviously bullying?
Some days ago three British tourists took a ride on a trishaw pedalled by this old 67-year-old man. The three Brits were probably about 200 kg added together. One was obviously sitting on the laps of the other two in the small trishaw. They mocked at the uncle for cycling so slowly - obviously due to the weight of the three farts - and at the end of the trip, they refused to pay the $10 trip. Bloody bastards right? What do they think they are to not pay for the trip? They said they weren't bullying, but oh c'mon, you uploaded your own evidence to the world and you deny your actions. Dumb asses.
Look at the clip and tell me if you're furious.
Read the write-up and comments by a British news site and tell me if you're furious.
Read the interview by and tell me if you're furious. Do look at the vodcast too
I'm really quite angry after reading/watching all these. Look at their faces while filming! Mocking and laughing and even showing the uncle a thumbs-up sign despite wat they're saying. And look at the uncle who's doing the strenuous work for all of them. even trying to entertain them by occasionally saying "very happy", seems like he's trying to make his customers more at ease with his service? wasn't he doing a very good job? and wat is even more infuriating is that they dun even want to pay for the service. like what some of the commenters said, mayb it's good that he din take their filthy money..
and somebody pls remind tourists that a slow trishaw ride is to allow them to enjoy the city view. who wants to ride on a fast trishaw?.. -_- go take a taxi if u want.
the uncle loves his job alot. and has even forgotten about this incident. 怎么可以这么对待这么一个敬业乐业的老人???
Sunday, October 28, 2007
打 Capo, 你 Bass 了吗?
Sandwich making at danK's grandma's house was quite fun. 3 of us declared that we're not those who cook frequently. haha. but at least we noe what the colour of the eggs and tuna should look like. So roughly figured out how much of mayonnaise to add. HAHA... and.. the amount of mayonnaise we added is really... ahem... quite alot. HAHA. and as we were adding the mayo, we kept chanting "肥死你" haha oops we're evil. but really i think we added like.... 5 big scoops of mayo into each batch of eggs/tuna. I think the ham sandwiches were the healthiest one, cos dunnit to add mayo. HAHA.
after a quick lunch at Ghim Moh Market, we cabbed down to UCC with the sandwiches!
I think the concert was not bad. but it wasn't as emotional and high as last time leh. i dunno why. mayb the songs not so high. "never climb mountain this time" haha.
tempo was much faster than rehearsed. the concert was supposed to feature Star Wars trilogy but in my opinion, i thought that star wars was quite messy. and then the encore piece was really like another Besana episode when we juz whacked Do Re Mi... it was soooo fast!
anyway, there were still some nice parts like Elisabeth. I think some of the audience can just melt at the "Boat in the Night" movt. "No Shadow of Turning was not bad la, i think. haha. The rest, i think was quite alright. haha..
i think.... my 2nd suite the short solo at the back is quite... ahem NICE! haha! okay la, it's not bad. :) yay
after we shifted back the instruments to CFA, BASS went to eat at Crystal Jade at Holland V. I ordered 红油牛肉面 (sth lidat, not v sure) haha. DanK treated us to 小笼包, and me + danK treated them to some red bean paste pancakes. haha.
generally, Da Capo was a success! great job everybody!
and of course, BASS is zai! 你 BASS 了吗? hehe
No Shadow of Turning
Marche Slave
Classical Suite (Brass Quintet)
Amazing Grace (Brass Quintet)
Second Suite in F
In a Persian Market
Star Wars Trilogy
Do Re Mi
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Sunday, October 21, 2007
This weekend
Bought him a wallet and a card haha. the wallet is very CHIO~ but before we left, we saw another wallet which he received as a present too haha.
i think if not for this party, our clique (i dunno how we form. haha! shd be a combi or the Go-Home clique and the angel/mortal thingy) would have just drifted even more.
oh and i realised yihui's sister was the ASM (assistant stage manager) of 黄城夜韵. no wonder she looks so familiar haha.
after the party, went to band prac. had a photo taking session.
i think DanK is quite amusing doing the "S" haha!
it'll be a great concert :)
anw it's my first marathon. forget abt those cross country during sec sch and JC :P haha. i think i've been training quite well for it. and i've completed the run!! haha non-stop running for about 1 hour. Although the timer showed 1h 13min, we din start on time. in fact, we're about 10min late.
at many points especially near the end, felt like stopping to walk. but dun wan to 对不起自己 so in the end, i ran for the whole event. the run started with me sj xh and xh's sis (wt ran with her fren cos we couldn't find her at the starting point). then slowly, our pace differed and i ended up running alone. i think from now on, i'll run with music. it's easier to run this way because i wun keep looking at the time.
borrowed huazhen's zen for the run cos it's smaller and more portable. and the earphones which i received from my NUSWS mates rock cos it din fall out at all during the run. and so i'm able to blast music through the run.
the signage "cheated" us for quite a few times. especially the "50m" when there's still 2km to cover. but i guess it's all these signages that kept us running. at least for me, the 9.5km at the last part of the run made me dispose the thought of walking. i like the last few metres where there were ppl waiting for their frenz and the finishing line looking very attractive. it was where i picked up speed instead of thinking of whether to walk anot. haha
then, we decided to look for wt who had actually reached home -_- haha. cos she stays very near and finished the run before us.
i tink it's quite a scenic route.
But, Impossible is Nothing. (haha i like the adidas slogan!!!)
i dunno why cloud sms-ed me during my sleep asking me about how's the run. haha i think he must have thought that i would have died during the run. HAHA. LC sms-ed me too, but i thought that hers was more of asking me whether I've completed the run. But cloud's one is more of checking whether i'm dead and whether he has lost a fren. HAHA
Rank Bib Name Nationality Gun Time Chip Time
1499 5290
woohoo i'm 1 behind the 1500th person!! haha. quite a nice number :P
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Genome-Wide Association Study on Atopy and Allergic Diseases in S'porean Chinese
So 6 spots they pricked me at (on my arm). and only the positive control (histamine) made that spot on my arm wheal out like a mosquito bite. i'm quite glad i wasn't allergic to any of the allergens they exposed me to. haha
and this is the reason why Pharmacy students flood the lab at S3 (Level 2 outside LT20) after our lesson today:
Pharmers are not only muggers. We're cheapos hehe! yay SNACKS!!
oh i luv what Leonard Tan says. haha...
"find your centre... play music from this centre..." and then sth about playing truly from ur heart and touching ur audience...
i was telling Erina just now. I'm super envious of Leonard Tan. He's doing what he loves and he's doing very well... how many of us can actually be like that? and then have a nice family somemore haha. (but we all know he must have worked super hard. and.. he's super talented)
Monday, October 15, 2007
I had just...
it'll be at NUH with an NUS student rate.
Pre-LASIK assessment on 10 Dec ($99.95)
LASIK tentatively on 18 Dec ($2350)
3 post-op follow-ups FREE, 4th one at $61.10
Chose a senior consultant cos the package is regardless of the doctor except the 4th follow-up visit.
lelong who wants 700 and 800 contact lenses? and who wants my 750 and 850 spectacles? HAHA
cant exactly say I'm up or down these few days. but got some definitely up and down things going around.. like:
my cello tcher is going to leave me for good and for real this time. going to have a farewell dinner with her 1 week before she leave. need to source for another teacher.
FYP --> the correct clone is identified. i can finally move on the the next step. basically my whole project has 4 BIG steps. this means that i'm ending my 1st step and starting on my 2nd step soon. the clone identification has taken me quite a few hundreds of brain cells. and suddenly today i found a way which i should be doing, a faster and more accurate way which I dunno why nobody told me about it. haha..
Oh and Tuba section is going to have a section tee soon! I've submitted my design :P haha.
and i've run 60% of my 10km run. haha. no "komodo dragons" today :P
Friday, October 12, 2007
Band life
Learning tuba started in sec1. I didn't turn up for the 1st band prac of RV for sec1. so I was only asked to try the lower brasses because there were still not enuf players for lower brasses that time. Dunno y, but it seems that I was able to play quite a loud "sound" when I tried the tuba. and.. ms chan said "eh you play tuba!" haha. nobody dares to defy her orders :P
so I was in the tuba section. my SL at that time was a 神 and was able to sightread almost EVEYTHING because he had piano diploma and his musical skills were zai. he was even asked to teach the recruits music theory. quite a good 启蒙老师 for me. but the problem with my section that time was they always pontan band prac. so I was quite pathetic. haha sec1 and always left on my own. I remembered I even had to sightread El Camino Real myself in sec1. but of course, i can only play the straightforward rhythms that time. but maybe that had grilled me to become better at sightreading haha :P
the next SL kept pontanning band so i was made the SL in sec3. I think it was a more cheerful section then as there were more sec1s and they were always self-entertaining and thus, entertaining for me too. haha. I left the band with a nice united Tuba section.
In JC, I initially thought of switching to Eupho. but like in every band, tubists are rare and tubists are sort of "the more the merrier". So... I was back in Tuba section. 4 tubists. quite a luxury for a JC band. It was during my JC days when I would stay back almost everyday to self-prac and just jam with other ppl with the CD player. When SYF is approaching, we saw the need to upgrade our skills. So usually before or after band pracs, me weiping and kenny would ARBAN together or play every 13 scales long notes. Those were the times when we thought that band was everything in our lives. at least as long as we go for lects, we could juz play music for the rest of the time.
Student conductor role was tough. i started with the intention of learning how to conduct. even audition was just a try-try thing. i really dunno how i managed to "convince" ppl to vote for me. but ya, i've to do my role since i got the post. I remembered working out practice schedules for the band just as wat Mr Leonard Tan is doing with NUSWS now. but, our plans didn't always work. haha...
SYF during the SARS period plus a tough concert repertoire. sneaking into band rooms on Vesak day during the SARS period and getting caught by the seurity guard. climbing gates when they were closed. working out chords for Gloriosa during lessons. and then, it was my first time crying so terribly in public when we realised when did not get into Top 5 as expected.
it was in HCJC band when we formed Jiemeiz. a group of dedicated players and fun people :)
again, when i joined NUSWS, i wanted to see whether I can switch to Euphos. But it seems that eupho section din have enuf instruments. and so, I'm back to tuba. But tubas also not enuf instruments. So Maria had to leave the band to let me return after my India trip so that I can play for InTempo 05. so i was back to the Tuba section again.
Librarian post with SL of lower brasses. but i was glad i was closer to the tbones section (cos eupho and the rest of the tubist were MIA) haha. at least some ppl outside my cosy RV gang. yupz, opening up. going for more gatherings and knowing more people. It was fun and hard work for Genesis and InTempo 05. Repertoire was very much our own decision because the conductor Dr Mak at time wasn't a symphonic person. InTempo was a challenging concert. but I felt that we needed more directions other than just playing difficult pieces.
Dr Mak announced his leave and the band was looking for new conductors. Was asked by Cloud to contact Mr Leonard Tan who was my sec sch and NUSWS tuba tutor. and ta da, he was selected to be NUSWS new conductor :)
Music under Mr Tan was very fresh (from the oven!) and he has a high expectation for us. Learnt alot of things under him too! Concerts rock :P haha...
Mugging group was formed. Dinpering and mugging together with bandits was fun. because sometimes, when i mug with non-pharmacy ppl, i dun feel so "pharmacy" haha! it was less stressful and more fun.
MHM was formed like... a few days before InTempo 07 to prepare the Marshmallow Honey Stars which we made for the whole band. They are Cloud, Nick and Yokes.
More outings. More new frenz. I'm glad my tuba section is now a healthy (would be healthier if Derek stop smoking) cheerful section which never fails to celebrate birthdays for each other. I think, we're the first section to have an individual tuner :)
But Symphony No. 3 is such a temptation. The band needs 6 cellists. I would probably play the cello since I guess I dun have to turn up for all the band pracs. probably no sects oso :P
if after my graduation and my occupation is too hectic, I may just disappear from the band scene. of course, i wouldn't want that to happen. But i guess life is just too unpredictable.
I better make sure I treasure this Da Capo concert experience, as much as I wouldn't be able to play tuba anymore.
sounds so sad :(
i think if i weren't so academically inclined, I may just go into the band scene or music scene. but again, probably i cant do that with a tuba which is logistically challenging. i sometimes wish that i play the eupho or the tbone. actually think that tbone is very cool and somemore, i've been told that i got the tbone face :P
then again, Pharmacy is too tough a course for me to give up, having come so far.
let me make use of this blog entry to thank all bandits who make me luv band life so much :)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
ABRSM Grade 5
cello sch called. alright passed with Merit.
hah quite expected. i haven been very diligent with practice that time and with all the change in teachers and sch issues.
quite ok la :P
special thanks to my pianist PK who sacrificed her time to practise with me, and to go down to the exam with me. hehe. and also giving me some advices :)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
My 89 year old grandma has a handphone!
my sis and she cant get along with each other from a very long time ago. and i heard her complaining to my dad that my sis doesn't hand over her the house phone when her fren called her, when my maid is not ard. bcos if my maid is ard, my sis will pass the maid the phone to pass my grandma. ya.. quite -_-" so she complained and i sort of make out that her fren suggested her to get a handphone.
my dad alw dotes on my grandma. so...... he got her a SIM card and let her use his old phone (while he upgrades to Nokia 6288)
his rationale is that he dun wan such issues to affect anything else. so he let the $14/mth corporate plan solve the problem.
To me, my grandma doesn't have alot of phonecalls. and being illiterate, she cant use the phone for SMS at all. so the $14 is only a sum of money spent on like.... ONE phone call per mth.. cos u noe, old ppl dun call their frenz that often one...
not that i'm trying to deprive my grandma of a handphone. BUT, this is quite a foolish way of solving the problem... cannot tell my sis to juz hand the phone over to her?
ah. not my dad's fault. he's juz sandwiched between his mum and his daughter.
probably not my grandma's fault oso. but i dun get y she wants to mention this whole thing and let my dad be sandwiched and duno y she even mention abt her fren's suggestion abt getting a handphone. (ya some of my better frenz will noe that sometimes, i dun really agree with my grandma's actions/thinking)
argh. my mum was saying "rich oso dunnit to waste money lidat ma". ya true, $14 doesn't seem like a large amt of money to him. but.. can buy 1 more fish for dinner leh....
i duno how liaoz. mayb it's juz an impulsive decision....
pls cheer me up when u see i 脸黑黑... i've been sighing alot recently.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Some pharmer news updates
There's more to a pharmacist's job than just dispensing medicines
AS A fresh graduate from the NUS pharmacy cohort 2007, I followed with great interest the recent exchanges in The Straits Times regarding the public's opinion about pharmacists and their roles as played out in hospitals and community pharmacies.
What struck me was that the role of pharmacists is neither well defined nor understood by most.
Unlike other professionals in the health-care field who play more visible roles in our society, such as dentists, nurses and doctors, pharmacists are not seen as playing an evident part in the health-care scene. We are somehow in the picture, but no one's quite sure about what we really do.
Typically the pharmacist's main point of contact with the public is in the course of supplying medicines to them. Little else is known about what goes on behind the counters, from the reception of the prescription to the end point when the patients receive their medication.
As mentioned in the letter, 'Educated public best check on prescriptions' (ST, Oct 1) - 'I doubt if any pharmacists would or should challenge a doctor's prescription' - the common misconception is that pharmacists simply supply medications as directed by the doctors. End of story.
However, in the outpatient pharmacy in hospitals, there is a systematic process which involves pharmacists using their professional judgment, and contacting the doctors about changing a dose or adjusting a treatment to ensure that the public gets the most efficient and cost-effective drugs. Other clinical roles of pharmacists include medication monitoring, patient education, improving patient medication compliance and side-effect profiling. Pharmacists also play active roles in answering doctors prescription queries, and regularly publish updates to keep fellow health-care professionals updated on recent drug developments.
I believe that we, as a profession, have the knowledge and training to make informed decisions about prescribed medications, and it is our responsibility as part of the health-care team to ensure a patient's best interests are always met.
Michelle Tan Wan Lin (Miss)
And some from PSS websites:
PSS Vice-President's reply "Pharmacists help to ensure safe and right use of drugs" to Edgar Koh's Tough Pill to Swallow
Cheryl's birthday!
there was supposed to be a surprise... but liwei 破坏, din noe that what i was trying to say under my breath is not supposed to be heard by cheryl. haha, and so, cheryl said that she guessed who was the surprise already when liwei asked me so loudly "y got 7?".. -_- haha... nvm... still quite a surprise hor :P hahaah
dinner was at some ramen restaurant at Central Mall. supposed to be those traditional Japanese type of ramen. heh. the ramen was not bad. but i think it's rather ex. esp the side dish. like 1piece of char siu cost $1... hahah.... but got real Japanese patronise. shd be authentic ba? haha
then we ate the cake which we bought at Swissbake. presents were Royal Sporting House voucher + 37degrees pencil case. swee..
so after the traditional ramen, we went for another dose of "Japanese"-ness. haha HOKKAIDO ICE CREAM!!! haha liwei said it was like the pre-grad trip to Japan. ahhh.. i wish lo... hope to go somewhere like Japan, Australia or other nice nice place for grad trip.
oh i really like the HOKKAIDO ICE CREAM. had green tea again. but kop rum and raisin and durian. tried durian before, and first time trying rum and raisin from there. i must say that the ice cream flavours are really ichiban + oishi! haha.. cos the flavours the moment u eat, u dunnit to guess one, sure noe the flavour. that's how good they are.
then walked around clarke quay. i'm sua ku and it's the first time i see the pub called CLINIC. i wan to go there! haha. the sofa is in the form of hospital beds and chairs in the form of wheelchairs. there are operating theatre lights around and the bartenders dressed like OT docs haha.... and the bar there is called "dispensary" hehe. heard from cheryl last time they got an IV drip or syringe thingy to pour out the drinks. ahaha. wahh so cool hor.
anw, heard about Elgar's revolution about him trying to psycho ppl not to sign up for pre-reg so that MOH will wake up their idea and start to realise our importance. i tink it may work, if enuf ppl dun sign up for pre-reg. but who wants to take the risk? i felt that maybe i'm not so noble. i dun really wan to be a whip master or a passport chopper like him. haha... perhaps i just dun like to take risk, dun like to waste my education and want to practise what i've been taught... haiz. 我没有勇气.
Elgar's grad trip to North Korea seems... haha... like a funny idea. but i wun support him HAHA... North Korea leh...
ermz nothing much abt the hat, just that me and cheryl decided to wear it together that day :P
part of the talk about pharmacist low pay is not only about us not being paid accordingly to the HUGE amount of work we do. but slowly realising that, after working, the money we earn have to contribute towards the family and supporting parents etc. will that be enuf? suddenly so many things to think about...
and ya, i really feel like going for enhancement surgery... *sniggers* haha! LASIK la!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Cheer Chen's Concert
Friday, October 5, 2007
Reptily Run
eeeks! (haha the picture is not from me, just pasted a photo from the web here)
and i'm not dreaming ok!!! it was moving and i'm quite sure it wasn't a tree branch...
i hate reptiles, especially those big house lizards who just appear from nowhere and then scoot around the ceiling/wall/floor. but sighting KOMODO DRAGONS is quite cool hahaha...
the last time when I saw a komodo dragon was my Pri 1 zoo excursion. I was already on the bus, ready to leave, and when I turned back, the huge lizard was crossing the road... -_-
Read up more on Komodo Dragon from Wikipedia
Monday, October 1, 2007
Shopping! + Books
Sunday, September 30, 2007
陈绮贞's a piece of summer~~
alright. u can get the pics from DanK's blog. cos i haven gotten the pics from him yet. (forgot to bring my camera)
haha... i really din noe what to expect when i stepped into the hall. sat there. expected to be entertained. but dunno whether it's those quietly sitting there and listening kind of entertainment or HIGH kind. thanks danK for the light stick (yellow one turned out to be blue. HAH!)
she started with slow songs. i tink the first song was 九份的咖啡厅。 and then about 8 other slow songs, alternating those which i noe (i.e. more popular ones) with those which i dunno (i.e. older and less popular ones) haha..
then she started a rock song. HIGH-ed!!! and then it was rock all the way~~~
we couldn't stand sitting down and listening to ROCK music. so stood at the side and waves the light sticks!! woooo.... i like the way she makes the songs different by using different 编曲. so it's normally "eh wat song is it ah?"... den when she started singing... "orhhhhhhhh..." *waves light stick and sings along*
best part was 让我想一想. when the guitar came in, i was jumping around. HAHA and waving the light sticks.
last song (before the 5 encores) was 旅行的意义. it was the song which she'll put on her motorcyclist helmet 安全帽 and sing. actually she did ask the fans to bring helmets with them and put on. but i think only a few (like 10?) brought. (quite sad hor) but i think it's a different culture in Taiwan... before she started singing, she said something like "让我们一起出发吧..." and put on her black helmet, it's something which i'll remember, but cant exactly pinpoint why. maybe it's the sense of "belonging" and "familiarity" when she said "我们 "...
5 encores. i think the audience become wild when she started singing 告诉我 cos it's a more popular but old song.
was quite touched when she said 我不怎么会说话 when she was touched by the audience. then, one of her fans shouted 不要紧, 继续唱歌!!! There was this kind of interaction between the idol and the fan, the fan showing support for the idol which makes me remember again. it also shows that her music alone, can satisfy us all, and she doesn't need to work on her language to make it flowery or watever at all.
the concert ended with her saying 下一次我再来,会带来更多作品. that was what she said in her previous concert too. i'll be waiting :)
Found the sequence of songs:
1 九份的咖啡店
2 情歌
3 就算全世界與我為敵
4 我親愛的偏執狂
5 躺在你的衣柜
6 小塵埃
7 還是會寂寞(大合唱)
8 失敗者的飛翔
9 80%的完美
11 倔強愛情的勝利
12 La Javanaise
13 一起去巴黎
14 溫室花朵
15 Sentimental Kills (imho, this was 1st gig climax)
16 躺在你的衣柜
17 地下道
18 Self
19 小步舞曲
20 華麗的冒險
21 我的驕傲無可救藥
22 女明星 (the 2nd gig climax...which turned out to be unbelievably GREAT performance! )
23 等待
24 讓我想一想
25 吉他手
26 最初的起點
27 旅行的意義
Encore 1
28 和你在一起
29 漫漫长夜
Encore 2
30 告诉我
31 1234567
Encore 3
32 After 17
Encore 4
33 太聪明
Encore 5
34 微凉的你
her new song:
oh i bought this from the merchandise booth:
The Bitter Truth
Will I be one of those who will quit after being exhausted by the pharmacist's work?
Saturday, September 29, 2007
whole week of lab.. no rest days. finally got my Drug Info Handbook today b4 the party. walked everywhere. legs very sour! (脚很酸)
i'm going to do things i like tmr. i wan to...
1. wake up late
2. jog (hopefully)
3. practise cello (hopefully)
4. get cello books with deposit (hopefully)
5. go to 陈绮贞's concert! haha i dun have helmet though i wanted to borrow, i tot it'll really be quite weird to bring one around...
6. i wan to shop b4 the concert actually (hopefully)
i'm... quite hopeful. HA!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Good Service
but on my 2nd visit, he still remembered that i was carrying alot of things (laptop, packet lunch, crumpler). at first, he was saying i long time never come and cut hair, and i tot it was just some 应酬 words. hah until he mentioned about my previous visit.
and today (3rd visit), he asked about whether i was still using my hair mask becos he felt that my hair was different (i.e. lousier). then, i realised i totally forgot about the existence of the Sebastian Hair Masque which i bought. haha. he remembers more than me lo... (mayb they have some records of what i bring, what i said and what i bought, HAHA)
and the shampoo girl also remembered i'm a student. haha. (and i remember her too! haha!)
i like it when ppl are 细心 , esp. in the service area. it makes me feel important and i appreciate it very much.. i like their service and... i spent like... $151.30 at Kimage today. HAH! (oops)
(i'm really quite disappointed with my ticket sales. esp. when i've bought more tix than i'm supposed to sell... the only ppl who bought are my sup and previous UROPS mentor. they... dun even noe me well...) :(
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I am.....
but i wan to rant...
my restriction digest failed. and if u think it's juz a small reaction/experiment, let me tell u it's about 3 days' work.... cos intermediate products run out and things have to start again... ARGH.. i think it's the starting of failures. now i've got to treat failure more lightly. 失败乃成功之母 haha... (and giam told me i'll succeed on the 100th time... thanks ah)
and i realise i'm actually quite a workaholic. or mayb it's juz that time in the lab runs super fast. sometimes i juz wish that i dun have to go off in time for band/sectionals... sometimes band commitments seem too much. BUT i really wish to continue doing sth i like, amidst FYP. it seems that Da Capo will be my last concert, i'll definitely 舍不得.. but who's going to do lab work for me if i continue with band?
[commercial break: buy my concert tix.. $8 only. last concert leh!]
and not only FYP, i still got my modules and projects one lo. after mid sem break still got CAs...
and i dun even have a bit of time to do some 零零碎碎 things.. like... cut hair, collect Drug Info Handbook from Outram Park Choice Text, go back to Tanglewood to settle my withdrawal and get books with my deposit money, settle a time slot for cello lesson (private)...
i'm glad i've frenz out dere who're on the same boat as me. gatherings with Xinhui (HCJC) always end up with us complaining abt labwork and how reactions always fail. it juz feels better to say it out loud.
oh P1 today. quite alright. i think. and i received an email from my sup asking abt P2 dates... shit. what kind of life is this. i can feel all the stress indicators showing positive results...
Saturday, September 22, 2007
My comments on the recent Pharmer news
i agree with the part about the standards of the overseas pharmacists which we're bringing in. i guess it's probably quite impossible for MOH to bring in pharmacists from UK and US unless they dun mind.. ahem "voluntary work".
I've looked at the comments at the PSS website: seems that some of the overseas foreigners are really interested in coming over.
alright, my point is that, yes u can bring in pharmacists to fill up the "holes" temporarily. But on NUS pharmacy side, we should become "school of pharmacy" and increase the intake as this should be the long term solution. While MOH brings in foreign pharmacists, we should bear many different factors in mind, e.g. communication with locals and their skills. most probably they would need to go thru an exam to ensure such skills. communication? i think it's quite hard. e.g. i cannot really imagine an Indian trying to communicate with an old uncle who knows only chinese/dialects. (it's an example, dun say i'm racist or wat) Singapore is an aging population, communication with the elderly is definitely inevitable if they want to practise here.
I've a senior who tried very hard in making pharmacy dept a "school". i think it's time we (those still in NUS) try to continue fighting for it.
Is there some way we're going to collect our opinions here and let us be heard?
The senior i'm toking abt is Aiwen. haha. there's a recent story of her experience with GPs. check it out~~
it's the first time i'm so onz about pharmer stuff. should be a good thing. HAHA
End of Week 6
This time i was supposed to act and say i left my FYP file in LT 20 so that Hua will accompany me to LT 20 and there'll be her akido frenz inside waiting to spring a surprise on her. hehe... feedback from hua was that i acted quite well cos i looked quite serious though she sensed something wrong. HAHA... i told u i'm a good actress :P haha
buden the LT was occupied and LC had to fake LS and go toilet and ask hua to accompany her. (HAHAA!) so the surprise was when we all came out from the toilet and the akido ppl were holding the cake and singing the bday song :)
even got refreshments lo! POWER HAHA
Hua and her fren with the cake
it's an acting year haha!
went to change my laptop bag from New Urban Male. last piece. but looks okay haha
the thai express ppl sang a very long bday song... -_-
it's mid sem break.. means.. it's lab week.. transforming into lab rat!!
Friday, September 21, 2007
SINGAPORE: While the move to set up a separate register of specialised pharmacists is aimed at boosting the level of clinical care, it would be counter-productive if patients do not know whom to turn to for help.
Unlike doctors with areas of specialisation — such as oncology or gynaecology — who "can be easily identified by the public", it is "a lot more difficult" for patients to do the same for pharmacists with different areas of specialisation, according to Jurong GRC MP Halimah Yacob.
Which is why Mdm Halimah, the Government Parliamentary Committee (Health) chairman, urged the Health Ministry to make accessible to the public a list of specialist pharmacists, so that the register can be of "greater use to the public".
MP for Ang Mo Kio GRC Lam Pin Min suggested the formation of groups to look into the needs of the rapidly ageing population and increased prevalence of certain chronic illnesses in Singapore.
Also, these Specialist Training Committees can help provide the specialist manpower required by the bio-medical and medical communities, he said.
These ideas — which Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan said would be taken up — were among others thrown up by the four MPs who spoke in Parliament on Thursday about the Pharmacists Registration Bill.
This is the first time in over two decades that amendments are being made to the Pharmacists Registration Act.
These include compulsory continuing professional education for all pharmacists, just like doctors and dentists; converting the current Singapore Pharmacy Board into a new statutory body — the Singapore Pharmacy Council — and permitting the conditional and temporary registration of foreign-trained pharmacists.
There are about 1,500 registered pharmacists in Singapore. This figure needs to be ramped up, due to the growth in the healthcare and biomedical sciences sectors, Mr Khaw pointed out.
The Minister noted that pharmacists are no longer just "custodians of drugs" for patient care.
"They will play an increasingly important role as domain experts in drug evaluation, drug use and surveillance." Given their growing role, there is a need for a "more robust disciplinary and health inquiry framework" for pharmacists, which is modelled after the medical and dentist professions.
One suggested change is the ability to suspend or restrict the practice of a registered pharmacist involved in ongoing disciplinary proceedings against him.
Currently, a pharmacist under investigation can still practise — a situation that could undermine the interests of the public or the pharmacist, Mr Khaw said.
Docs dispensing drugs: System not without its benefits, says Khaw
HEALTH Minister Khaw Boon Wan is in favour of keeping the current system where doctors are also allowed to dispense medicines.
But he told MPs yesterday that he would work to enhance the system.
'The key is to give our patients the choice to fill the prescriptions wherever they wish, be it at the doctor's clinic, in a private pharmacy, or even across the Causeway,' he said during yesterday's debate on the Pharmacists Registration Bill.
Madam Halimah Yacob (Jurong GRC), who heads the Government Parliamentary Committee for Health, raised the idea of separating prescribing and dispensing of medicines - as is done in some countries.
She said such a system would have pharmacists acting as a check on doctors' prescriptions, which would improve patient safety.
And patient safety, she argued, was a 'greater overriding consideration' than the convenience of being able to consult a doctor and fill a prescription at one place.
Doctors in private practice here prescribe and dispense medication; in public hospitals and polyclinics, doctors usually prescribe the drugs, while pharmacists in the same institution dispense it.
But Mr Khaw was not in favour of leaving all dispensing of medicines only to pharmacists.
Saying that the current system was 'not without its benefits', he pointed to convenience and cost savings for patients who pick up their medicine at the same place they see the doctor.
However, he suggested that, as a start, doctors in private practice should follow the lead of public-sector clinics and hospitals and provide all patients with a clearly written or printed prescription as a matter of course. They should then leave it to the patient to pick up the medicine anywhere he wants to.
If they choose to do so at the doctor's clinic, the cost of the medication should be itemised on the bill, separate from the consultation fee.
With the passing of the Pharmacists Registration Bill yesterday, higher standards will now be demanded of the 1,468 pharmacists here.
Like doctors, they will have to clock 50 hours of continuing professional education to renew their practising certificates every two years.
And with a register to be set up to list pharmacists with training in areas such as cancer, more will be spurred to pursue further training.
Another change with the passing of the Bill: The Singapore Pharmacy Board, a department within the Health Ministry, will become a new statutory board.
The new Singapore Pharmacy Council will have more power to discipline errant pharmacists. It can, for example, suspend such pharmacists from practice even before investigations are completed.
Two new categories of registration - temporary and conditional - will enable more foreign pharmacists to work here.
Mr Khaw noted that despite the National University of Singapore tripling its intake of pharmacy students from 41 to 115 over the last 10 years, Singapore needs still more such professionals - 200 more a year for the next decade.
Madam Halimah, Dr Lam Pin Min (Ang Mo Kio GRC), Dr Fatimah Lateef (Marine Parade GRC) and Mr Seah Kian Peng (Marine Parade GRC) spoke in support of the changes yesterday, saying that they would improve the standards of what Madam Halimah called 'a neglected lot'.
But Dr Lam cautioned against taking in foreign pharmacists who were not up to par just to ease the shortage, while Mr Seah hoped that foreign pharmacists would be allowed to work in private retail pharmacies.Better work conditions, pay may help stem high turnover rate of these professionals
I refer to the report, "MOH to recruit more pharmacists from overseas" (Sept 17). It was reported that of the 1,482 pharmacists on the register here, less than half are involved in direct patient care, such as practising in hospitals, polyclinics and retail pharmacies.
This is a worrying figure. While I applaud the ministry's efforts to recruit more pharmacists from overseas, it should also delve further into why pharmacists are not practising and find ways to stem the drain.
I know a pharmacist who has worked in a retail pharmacy and in one of the restructured hospitals. During her stint with the retail pharmacy, she worked from 10am to 10pm, with only half an hour's break for lunch and dinner. This included Saturdays and Sundays, when business is most brisk. Most times, she was the only pharmacist during that 12-hour stretch.
When she was working at a hospital, it was common to see her and her colleagues having lunch at 3pm, after they attended to the last patient from the morning crowd.
At times, she was called back to the hospital even though she was on leave. She worked till 3pm on Saturdays, even though the official knock-off time was 12.30pm. Sundays could become working days when duty called — working one Sunday per month is common.
Such is the life of a pharmacist, be it in hospitals, retail pharmacies or polyclinics.
Increasing demands on pharmacists without adequate compensation leads to many leaving the profession.
Perhaps it is time to review pharmacists' salaries. They are, after all, highly-trained medical professionals who run specialised clinics and make rounds with the doctors to ensure patients fully benefit from treatment.
Until we address the concerns of pharmacists and plug the outflow, increasing the number of pharmacists will not ease the crunch. Sourcing from foreign supply is but a short-term solution to a long-term problem.
Letter from Darren Chong
Curing the ills of fewer pharmacistsLetter from Heng Cho Choon
The report "MOH to recruit more pharmacists from overseas" (Sept 17) clearly shows that the Department of Pharmacy at the National University of Singapore (NUS) will not be producing enough pharmacists for local needs over the next five years.
So, where lies the ailment of this issue of supply and demand?
Last month, a parent wrote to the press to complain that her daughter with four distinctions in her A-level examination could not gain admission to the NUS to study pharmacy.
Perhaps it is time to upgrade our oldest polytechnic, Singapore Poly, to a full-fledged university with courses for our students who aspire to become pharmacists.
This converted university could also run courses for external degrees like those awarded by the
I also welcome the news that the current Singapore Pharmacy Board (SPB) will be converted into a new statutory body known as the Singapore Pharmacy Council (SPC).
The SPB was established under the Pharmacists Registration Act 1979 as the registration and disciplinary body for pharmacists in
Foreign-trained pharmacists who want to register with the SPB need to undergo a period of training of three months in an approved training centre and also sit for a compulsory examination relating to Pharmacy Laws in
There is no provision for a course in pharmaceutical ethics for pharmacists vis-a-vis doctors and other drug and health personnel.
Perhaps the SPC, when it is established, could look into this problem that has been plaguing the pharmaceutical industry and the Singapore Association of Pharmaceutical Industries in the last decade.
In the
Consumer health advocates are worried that this may encourage doctors to unnecessarily recommend more expensive drugs for their patients.
The SPC should also look into ways to resolve the problem of the pharmaceutical industry, which will time and again try all sorts of ingenious ways to grease the palms of its honourable members.
So many news suddenly haha. Medical hub siazzz